Wendy Neville

Yoga Instructor

Phoenix, AZ

My journey in Yoga began when simply exploring alternative ways to exercise. Finally in 2006, my mind and heart embraced the mental and spiritual aspects of yoga and I was forever changed. The more I practice the more I realized promoting health and happiness is to be my way of life.

In 2010, I enrolled in Yasa Yoga’s RYT program with Ryan and Stephanie Besler. My teachers gave me the tools to successfully instruct many styles of yoga, highlighting the importance of knowing how to teach a basics class. They instilled an extensive knowledge in the history of Yoga, with emphasis on Patanjali’s eight limbs, as well as the beautiful vibrations of the Sanskrit language.

During my training I was fortunate to learn from many great yogis from the valley and the list is still growing! I strive to create a welcoming and fun environment through my instruction, music and energy. Throughout my class I will remind you of the importance of breathing, proper form and especially of opening the heart to move with sthira (steadiness) and sukham (ease).

As I lead my classes, I hope to infuse my students with the same passion, wisdom, positive energy, and spiritual light that I have received from my wonderful teachers.